About the Author

Anthony Alcock

Anthony Alcock

The author currently lives aboard his comfortably appointed yacht in Ventura, California.  He was born and raised on the outskirts of the large industrial city of Birmingham, England.  A few years after graduating in nuclear physics from Aston University, he migrated to the United States to seek adventure and “Pursue the American Dream”.

He enjoyed many years with IBM as the computer industry evolved from its small beginnings.  Later he founded and operated several high technology companies and for some six years, published a west coast health magazine.

Today, totally immersed in the tight-knit community of others who live on boats of all shapes and sizes, the author felt compelled to give an insight into this totally different way of living.  Adapting to a life on the water in relatively small spaces and learning how to cope with the numerous inevitable challenges makes for a very friendly and enjoyable lifestyle.  In his book, the author elaborates on this and features accounts of several quite different stories.  The book, Life at the End of a Rope, is his first endeavor in the literary field.

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